Commercial/Residential: Landscapes Along the Colorado Front Range, 1968-1972

Robert Adams

Published to coincide with the 2003 exhibition. This new book is a companion volume to Eden, which Andrew Roth published in 1999. Together, they chart the chronology of Adams’s formative work.

Originally part of a larger portfolio which Adams published as The New West in 1974, these 40 images were not included in that publication and are presented here for the first time, sequenced in a new series titled Commercial/Residential.

“At about the time I took the pictures I read an interview with Raoul Coutard, Jean-Luc Godard’s cameraman. In it Coutard noted with gratitude that ‘daylight has an inhuman faculty for always being perfect.’ It is one of the mercies, I believe, by which each of us is allowed to live.“

PPP Editions, 2003

First edition: 1,000 copies.

4to.; black-and-white photographs; printed black cloth.

Deluxe edition: 50 of 1,000 copies, signed, numbered and slipcased.

︎︎︎ Exhibition